Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tag CSS3 Lengkap


Color Properties

Property Description CSS
color Sets the color of text 1
opacity Sets the opacity level for an element 3

Background and Border Properties

Property Description CSS
background Sets all the background properties in one declaration 1
background-attachment Sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page 1
background-color Sets the background color of an element 1
background-image Sets the background image for an element 1
background-position Sets the starting position of a background image 1
background-repeat Sets how a background image will be repeated 1
background-clip Specifies the painting area of the background 3
background-origin Specifies the positioning area of the background images 3
background-size Specifies the size of the background images 3
border Sets all the border properties in one declaration 1
border-bottom Sets all the bottom border properties in one declaration 1
border-bottom-color Sets the color of the bottom border 1
border-bottom-left-radius Defines the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner 3
border-bottom-right-radius Defines the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner 3
border-bottom-style Sets the style of the bottom border 1
border-bottom-width Sets the width of the bottom border 1
border-color Sets the color of the four borders 1
border-image A shorthand property for setting all the border-image-* properties 3
border-image-outset Specifies the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box 3
border-image-repeat Specifies whether the image-border should be repeated, rounded or stretched 3
border-image-slice Specifies the inward offsets of the image-border 3
border-image-source Specifies an image to be used as a border 3
border-image-width Specifies the widths of the image-border 3
border-left Sets all the left border properties in one declaration 1
border-left-color Sets the color of the left border 1
border-left-style Sets the style of the left border 1
border-left-width Sets the width of the left border 1
border-radius A shorthand property for setting all the four border-*-radius properties 3
border-right Sets all the right border properties in one declaration 1
border-right-color Sets the color of the right border 1
border-right-style Sets the style of the right border 1
border-right-width Sets the width of the right border 1
border-style Sets the style of the four borders 1
border-top Sets all the top border properties in one declaration 1
border-top-color Sets the color of the top border 1
border-top-left-radius Defines the shape of the border of the top-left corner 3
border-top-right-radius Defines the shape of the border of the top-right corner 3
border-top-style Sets the style of the top border 1
border-top-width Sets the width of the top border 1
border-width Sets the width of the four borders 1
box-decoration-break Sets the behaviour of the background and border of an element at page-break, or, for in-line elements, at line-break. 3
box-shadow Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box 3

Basic Box Properties

Property Description CSS
bottom Specifies the bottom position of a positioned element 2
clear Specifies which sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed 1
clip Clips an absolutely positioned element 2
display Specifies how a certain HTML element should be displayed 1
float Specifies whether or not a box should float 1
height Sets the height of an element 1
left Specifies the left position of a positioned element 2
Specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box 2
overflow-x Specifies whether or not to clip the left/right edges of the content, if it overflows the element's content area 3
overflow-y Specifies whether or not to clip the top/bottom edges of the content, if it overflows the element's content area 3
padding Sets all the padding properties in one declaration 1
padding-bottom Sets the bottom padding of an element 1
padding-left Sets the left padding of an element 1
padding-right Sets the right padding of an element 1
padding-top Sets the top padding of an element 1
position Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed) 2
right Specifies the right position of a positioned element 2
top Specifies the top position of a positioned element 2
visibility Specifies whether or not an element is visible 2
width Sets the width of an element 1
vertical-align Sets the vertical alignment of an element 1
z-index Sets the stack order of a positioned element 2

Flexible Box Layout

Property Description CSS
align-content Specifies the alignment between the lines inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space. 3
align-items Specifies the alignment for items inside a flexible container. 3
align-self Specifies the alignment for selected items inside a flexible container. 3
display Specifies how a certain HTML element should be displayed 1
flex Specifies the length of the item, relative to the rest 3
flex-basis Specifies the initial length of a flexible item 3
flex-direction Specifies the direction of the flexible items 3
flex-flow A shorthand property for the flex-direction and the flex-wrap properties 3
flex-grow Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest 3
flex-shrink Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest 3
flex-wrap Specifies whether the flexible items should wrap or not 3
justify-content Specifies the alignment between the items inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space. 3
margin Sets all the margin properties in one declaration 1
margin-bottom Sets the bottom margin of an element 1
margin-left Sets the left margin of an element 1
margin-right Sets the right margin of an element 1
margin-top Sets the top margin of an element 1
max-height Sets the maximum height of an element 2
max-width Sets the maximum width of an element 2
min-height Sets the minimum height of an element 2
min-width Sets the minimum width of an element 2
order Sets the order of the flexible item, relative to the rest 3

Text Properties

Property Description CSS
hanging-punctuation Specifies whether a punctuation character may be placed outside the line box 3
hyphens Sets how to split words to improve the layout of paragraphs 3
letter-spacing Increases or decreases the space between characters in a text 1
line-break 3
line-height Sets the line height 1
overflow-wrap 3
tab-size Specifies the length of the tab-character 3
text-align Specifies the horizontal alignment of text 1
text-align-last Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when text-align is "justify" 3
text-indent Specifies the indentation of the first line in a text-block 1
text-justify Specifies the justification method used when text-align is "justify" 3
text-transform Controls the capitalization of text 1
white-space Specifies how white-space inside an element is handled 1
word-break Specifies line breaking rules for non-CJK scripts 3
word-spacing Increases or decreases the space between words in a text 1
word-wrap Allows long, unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line 3

Text Decoration Properties

Property Description CSS
text-decoration Specifies the decoration added to text 1
text-decoration-color Specifies the color of the text-decoration 3
text-decoration-line Specifies the type of line in a text-decoration 3
text-decoration-style Specifies the style of the line in a text decoration 3
text-shadow Adds shadow to text 3
text-underline-position 3

Font Properties

Property Description CSS
font Sets all the font properties in one declaration 1
font-family Specifies the font family for text 1
font-feature-setting 3
@font-feature-values 3
font-kerning 3
font-language-override 3
font-synthesis 3
font-variant-alternates 3
font-variant-caps 3
font-variant-east-asian 3
font-variant-ligatures 3
font-variant-numeric 3
font-variant-position 3
font-size Specifies the font size of text 1
font-style Specifies the font style for text 1
font-variant Specifies whether or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font 1
font-weight Specifies the weight of a font 1
@font-face A rule that allows websites to download and use fonts other than the "web-safe" fonts 3
font-size-adjust Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs 3
font-stretch Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font family 3

Writing Modes Properties

Property Description CSS
direction Specifies the text direction/writing direction 2
text-orientation 3
text-combine-horizontal 3
unicode-bidi Used together with the direction property to set or return whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document 2
writing-mode 3

Table Properties

Property Description CSS
border-collapse Specifies whether or not table borders should be collapsed 2
border-spacing Specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent cells 2
caption-side Specifies the placement of a table caption 2
empty-cells Specifies whether or not to display borders and background on empty cells in a table 2
table-layout Sets the layout algorithm to be used for a table 2

Lists and Counters Properties

Property Description CSS
counter-increment Increments one or more counters 2
counter-reset Creates or resets one or more counters 2
list-style Sets all the properties for a list in one declaration 1
list-style-image Specifies an image as the list-item marker 1
list-style-position Specifies if the list-item markers should appear inside or outside the content flow 1
list-style-type Specifies the type of list-item marker 1

Animation Properties

Property Description CSS
@keyframes Specifies the animation 3
animation A shorthand property for all the animation properties below, except the animation-play-state property 3
animation-delay Specifies when the animation will start 3
animation-direction Specifies whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles 3
animation-duration Specifies how many seconds or milliseconds an animation takes to complete one cycle 3
animation-fill-mode Specifies what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing 3
animation-iteration-count Specifies the number of times an animation should be played 3
animation-name Specifies a name for the @keyframes animation 3
animation-timing-function Specifies the speed curve of the animation 3
animation-play-state Specifies whether the animation is running or paused 3

Transform Properties

Property Description CSS
backface-visibility Defines whether or not an element should be visible when not facing the screen 3
perspective Specifies the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed 3
perspective-origin Specifies the bottom position of 3D elements 3
transform Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element 3
transform-origin Allows you to change the position on transformed elements 3
transform-style Specifies how nested elements are rendered in 3D space 3

Transitions Properties

Property Description CSS
transition A shorthand property for setting the four transition properties 3
transition-property Specifies the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for 3
transition-duration Specifies how many seconds or milliseconds a transition effect takes to complete 3
transition-timing-function Specifies the speed curve of the transition effect 3
transition-delay Specifies when the transition effect will start 3

Basic User Interface Properties

Property Description CSS
box-sizing Tells the browser what the sizing properties (width and height) should include 3
content Used with the :before and :after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content 2
cursor Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed 2
icon Provides the author the ability to style an element with an iconic equivalent 3
ime-mode 3
nav-down Specifies where to navigate when using the arrow-down navigation key 3
nav-index Specifies the tabbing order for an element 3
nav-left Specifies where to navigate when using the arrow-left navigation key 3
nav-right Specifies where to navigate when using the arrow-right navigation key 3
nav-up Specifies where to navigate when using the arrow-up navigation key 3
outline Sets all the outline properties in one declaration 2
outline-color Sets the color of an outline 2
outline-offset Offsets an outline, and draws it beyond the border edge 3
outline-style Sets the style of an outline 2
outline-width Sets the width of an outline 2
resize Specifies whether or not an element is resizable by the user 3
text-overflow Specifies what should happen when text overflows the containing element 3

Multi-column Layout Properties

Property Description CSS
break-after 3
break-before 3
break-inside 3
column-count Specifies the number of columns an element should be divided into 3
column-fill Specifies how to fill columns 3
column-gap Specifies the gap between the columns 3
column-rule A shorthand property for setting all the column-rule-* properties 3
column-rule-color Specifies the color of the rule between columns 3
column-rule-style Specifies the style of the rule between columns 3
column-rule-width Specifies the width of the rule between columns 3
column-span Specifies how many columns an element should span across 3
column-width Specifies the width of the columns 3
columns A shorthand property for setting column-width and column-count 3
widows Sets the minimum number of lines that must be left at the top of a page when a page break occurs inside an element 2

Paged Media

Property Description CSS
orphans Sets the minimum number of lines that must be left at the bottom of a page when a page break occurs inside an element 2
page-break-after Sets the page-breaking behavior after an element 2
page-break-before Sets the page-breaking behavior before an element 2
page-break-inside Sets the page-breaking behavior inside an element 2

Generated Content for Paged Media

Property Description CSS
marks Adds crop and/or cross marks to the document 3
quotes Sets the type of quotation marks for embedded quotations 2

Filter Effects Properties

Property Description CSS
filter 3

Image Values and Replaced Content

Property Description CSS
image-orientation Specifies a rotation in the right or clockwise direction that a user agent applies to an image 3
image-rendering 3
image-resolution 3
object-fit 3
object-position 3

Speech Properties

Property Description CSS
mark A shorthand property for setting the mark-before and mark-after properties 3
mark-after Allows named markers to be attached to the audio stream 3
mark-before Allows named markers to be attached to the audio stream 3
phonemes Specifies a phonetic pronunciation for the text contained by the corresponding element 3
rest A shorthand property for setting the rest-before and rest-after properties 3
rest-after Specifies a rest or prosodic boundary to be observed after speaking an element's content 3
rest-before Specifies a rest or prosodic boundary to be observed before speaking an element's content 3
voice-balance Specifies the balance between left and right channels 3
voice-duration Specifies how long it should take to render the selected element's content 3
voice-pitch Specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice 3
voice-pitch-range Specifies variation in average pitch 3
voice-rate Controls the speaking rate 3
voice-stress Indicates the strength of emphasis to be applied 3
voice-volume Refers to the amplitude of the waveform output by the speech synthesises 3

Marquee Properties

Property Description CSS
marquee-direction Sets the direction of the moving content 3
marquee-play-count Sets how many times the content move 3
marquee-speed Sets how fast the content scrolls 3
marquee-style Sets the style of the moving content 3